Balıkesir is a city in Turkey and is the capital city of Balıkesir Province. Balıkesir is located in the Marmara region of Turkey and has a population of 400.000.

Necatibey Faculty of Education

The foundation of Balıkesir University trace back to Karesi Teacher School established in 1910. This school has been carried to the building which is used as Necatibey Faculty of Education with particular interests of the Minister of Education, Mr. Mustafa Necati. Till 1982, the number of higher education institues reached 4: Necati Institution of Education, Architecture and Engineering State Academy, Balıkesir School of Industry and Tourism, Balıkesir Vocational School. These foundations changed status with Delegated Legislation No 41, and were connected to Uludag University. Necatibey Teacher’s Training School continued to train teachers between the years 1932 and 1982 under the name of Necati Institution of Education, left its 3-year status, received 4-year-Higher Teacher Training School status.

our teaching team

Gözde Akyüz

Mathematics Education

Gözde Akyüz, Ph.D., is a Professor at Necatibey Faculty of Education at the Department of Primary Mathematics Education. Her research area is teacher training at both high school and primary levels. She has worked in different European Union projects, which focus on resilience, creativity and inclusive education at primary and early childhood education levels, both as a researcher and coordinator since 2007.

Sinem Güçhan Özgül

Early Childhood Education

Sinem Güçhan-Özgül, Ph.D., is a research assistant at Necatibey Faculty of Education. She had her degree in Early Childhood Education. She is the head of the disability services office in Balıkesir University. As a team member, Dr. Güçhan-Özgül has experience about inclusive education in ECE settings and ECE curriculum. Recently, she works as a researcher in projects funded by Balıkesir University Scientific Research Projects Commission. One of these projects aims to determine teachers’ self-efficacy for inclusion in primary education. She was also a member of “InclusiveEducation in Early Childhood: Developing Good Practices (GoPrince)” Project team.

Abidin Mısırlı


Abidin Mısırlı, Ph.D., is an assistant professor at Necatibey Faculty of Education at the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology.

His academic interest areas are technology integration, technology standards, social media analysis, learning management systems and e-learning. 

Nazlı Ruya Bedizel

Biology Education

Nazlı Ruya Bedizel (f.k.a. Taskin), PhD is a research assisstant at the Department of Biology Education at Balikesir University since 2010. She visited Wright State University as a visiting scholar for six months in 2015 to work for projects about her Ph.D. dissertation. Her early childhood and inclusive education experience started with “Talented Children and Talented Teachers: Competencies, Resilience & Culture (TACOREC)” which is funded by the European Union as an Erasmus Project and completed in 2014. She also worked as a researcher for “Inclusive Education in Early Childhood: Developing Good Practices (GoPrince) Project between 2015-2017. She completed her PhD on biology education. Her interest areas are science teaching, especially Biology Education, learning progressions, formative assessments, curriculum and teaching methods, and inclusive education.

Güliz Şahin

Primary Education

Guliz Sahin is an assistant professor at the Department of Classroom Teaching at Balikesir University. Her study areas are Turkish language teaching, primary reading and writing, critical reading, creative drama, P4C, children’s literature, and bibliotherapy. Since 2010, she has been involved in different EU projects such as “Patchwork Theater” (in 2010, as an educator), “GO PRINCE: Inclusive Education in Early Childhood-Developing Good Practices” (in 2016, as a researcher), “Talented Children and Talented Teachers: Competencies, Resilience and Culture” (in 2012, as a participant). At the same time, she voluntarily leads various children’s workshops with social associations.

Practice makes perfect

In 1982, having been connected to Uludağ University, this foundation has been called Necatibey Faculty of Education. In the same way, the name of Balıkesir School of Industry and Tourism has been changed as Balıkesir School of Tourism and Hotel Management, but the name of 2-year-Balıkesir Vocational School has remained the same. Having stayed under the roof of Uludağ University for 10 years, these foundations has formed a powerful background for Balıkesir University with healthy and consistent development.

The best campus facilities

In addition to our online classroom, we also offer an option to take part in a live classroom. It takes place in our vast campus located in Balıkesir, Turkey. Here you’ll be able to use the most up-to-date facilities and computer equipment.

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Join our courses and start building the most wanted career available today. We make sure every class is easily understood, and that all students reach the same level of expertise needed for today’s hi-tech industry.

Working hours

Monday- Friday:8:00-18:30 Hrs

We are here

Balıkesir Üniversitesi Çağış Yerleşkesi (Bigadiç yolu üzeri 17. km) 10145, Balikesir / TURKEY
Phone:+90 (266) 612 14 00
Fax:+90 (266) 612 14 17