BEIN Teacher Competencies for Social inclusion of Migrants and Refugees in Early Childhood Education

Participation to Velon Velov Congress 17-18 March 2022 Brugge

Participation of Hazenhogeschool – Groningen – University of applied Sciences to Velon Velov Congress 17-18 March 2022 Brugge.

VELON/VELOV congress, with the participation of teachers trainers in higher education, teachers of schools, headmasters of schools, coordinators of the remedial care and special needs in schools, social workers and people who are trained to explain and assist newcomers about the Belgian education system in their own mother tongue.

Multiplier event for teachers in Balıkesir (2022)

Multiplier event in Portugal, teachers from several shools from Coimbra

Teachers from Salt attend the presentation of the results of the BE-IN project. Salt is one of the cities with the largest immigrant population in Catalonia

Multiplier event in Lithuania "Inclusive education of refugee and migrant children (0-8 years): good experience of European countries

Teachers from several schools - Northumbria University - NEWCASTLE