By working with together as strategic partners in this project (Turkey, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Lithuania and the UK) our aim is to increase the life chances of migrant and refugee children, through developing materials that can be used within teacher education programmes to address the skills gaps of pre-service teachers in relation to working effectively with those children.

To achieve this, our objectives are:

  • To identify the skills and competencies pre-service teachers need for the social inclusion of migrants and refugees in early childhood education.
  • To draw from a range of cultural, social and educational experiences, in order to highlight responses to the needs of migration and refugees across Europe.
  • To work collaboratively in order to create innovative and engaging training course materials, that enhance the skills and competencies pre-service teachers need for the social inclusion of migrants and refugees in early childhood education.
  • To share common understandings of diversity and the positive response to diversity across Europe in order to create a more equitable society.
  • To support pre-service teachers’ confidence and understanding of how to teach children in increasingly diverse classrooms so that they contribute to a social justice and equity in the education system.